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Rebecca Cooke, President of RoundTableau, is a results-oriented Strategist and Executive Coach specializing in growth and high-level corporate change.  Ms. Cooke focuses on value-added services designed around actualizing a company and executives’ potential to grow including strategy development, leadership development, business development process refinement, and marketing strategy.  All services are based on proven methodologies and solid techniques for rapid-deployment and predictable results.  Ms. Cooke has a BBA in Accounting from Texas A&M University and an MBA from Rice University.  Her career is distinguished by accomplishments that include:

Fifteen years of strategy consulting, business development consulting and executive leadership coaching.
Thirty years of focused professional services and technology industry experience, beginning in a technical sales support role, growing into global sales responsibilities, advancing to strategic sales and marketing leadership of national and international organizations.
Proven track record of success in corporate, entrepreneurial, and non-profit environments, ranging from regional to global organizations.
Effective in roles of Strategy Architect, Change Agent, Growth Consultant, and Executive Coach.
Comprehensive knowledge of market trends, positioning, directions, techniques, approaches, methodologies, and advanced education to deliver highest quality of service.
Rebecca Cooke

RoundTableau, LLC. was founded in 2009 by R. Cooke and is based in Houston, Texas.  The firm is focused on serving clients with high-impact, high-value services.  Currently the firm serves national and global clients in the professional services (engineering, consulting, legal and medical), oil & gas, technology (services and software), retail, and manufacturing industries.  The firm also specializes in working with Boards (corporate and not-for-profit) in strategy formation and implementation.    713-594-7257





Sponsorships of RoundTableau:

Affiliations of Ms. Cooke:

“As a strategist, I focus on long-term vision, future growth and plans; as a business person, I focus on today and the need to drive new “value” each and every day.  It’s a good balance to have and truly makes that value sustainable.”
